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Our Occupational Health and Safety Policy

Occupational health and safety legislation is the common responsibility of all of us; It is one of our company’s priorities as much as other policies.

  • Each of our employees is inspected by the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) unit and our company, being held fully responsible for following the instructions given by the managers on occupational health and safety and being their own auditor.

  • An environment is created to increase OHS awareness among all our employees and to make OHS a part of their daily work,

  • To be constantly in open communication with the personnel, administration, management and projects on OHS issues and to improve communication with these stakeholders.

  • To be able to prevent occupational accidents and related damages by predetermining potential risks and ensuring operational and occupational safety in all processes, services and activities. To keep up-to-date the Risk Analysis and Risk Assessment document created for this purpose.

  • To publish documents by constantly following the internal and external legislation and regulations in force in the field of OHS and within the scope of our activities, keeping them up-to-date.

  • To raise all kinds of awareness of the personnel about OHS and to complete the inefficiencies detected.

  • All managers should set an example for our employees with their attitude and behaviors. Each of our managers is responsible for monitoring whether the work carried out is in compliance with the occupational health and safety rules with the inspections and controls they perform and for taking all necessary precautions if needed.

  • As Cihan Storage and Logistics Inc., to enhance our determination to prioritize occupational health and safety by intensifying our work in this field through training support and by constantly improving all current legislation.